Our financial calculators are designed as educational tools to help you estimate answers to common financial questions. They are not intended to predict future returns or results. You’ll find a selection of easy-to-use calculators about related financial topics below.
These calculators are hypothetical examples used for illustrative purposes and do not represent the performance of any specific investment or product. Rates of return will vary over time, particularly for long-term investments. Investments offering the potential for higher rates of return also involve a higher degree of risk of loss. Actual results will vary.
Do You Have Enough Gas for the Trip: Retirement Shortfall Calculator
You’ll continually have to make investment decisions that will be greatly influenced by your tolerance for risk. Let your financial professional help you assess your risk tolerance and see how it fits into the big picture for retirement planning.
Saving for retirement is essential for your long-term security, but what will you do if there is an unpredicted expense due to an accident, illness, job loss, or other crisis? By creating an emergency fund, you establish a safety net that you can use in several ways.
Life has a way of changing from year to year, often requiring you to update your financial plans. An annual meeting with your financial professional can help ensure your plans continue to address your needs, even if your life hasn’t dramatically changed in the past 12 months.