Category: Bienenestar Financial Insights

Be Financially Responsible in Your 30s

Once you reach your 30s, you realize the full weight of adulthood. Now’s the time to make smart moves to address your financial responsibilities to your family and your future.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

Stay on Top of Your Credit

Your credit report reflects your creditworthiness, so it makes sense for you to review and correct it yearly. Be on the lookout for unknown addresses, suspicious activity, and unfamiliar accounts.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

Have a Plan in Place to Protect Your Wealth in a Down Market

Markets are volatile. Preparing for an uncertain stock market should be part of your long-term retirement plan.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

Annual Credit Check-Up

Be proactive with an annual credit check-up. Investors can be targets for scammers, fraudsters, and identity thieves. Protect yourself by reviewing your credit reports at least once a year and immediately reporting any suspicious activity or unfamiliar accounts.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

Painless Ways to Add to Your Rainy Day Fund

Every family should have a rainy day fund to protect itself against unpleasant surprises. It’s important to know how much to put away and how to painlessly add to your fund.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

A Tax Refund Should You Save or Invest the Money

Few things bring a faster smile than a tax refund. The question is what to do with it. Perhaps you should set it aside for a rainy day or invest it for a future life event. Maybe you should consider both.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

Small Steps You Can Take to Save for Retirement

Saving for retirement can seem impossible when you are saddled with so many daily expenses: student loans, mortgage/rent, car payments, childcare, and more. But there is nothing wrong with starting small, because the power of compounding interest can go to work for you.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

Organize Your Financial Life

It can be all too easy to assume a hands-off role in your financial life, but that may invite mistakes along the way.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

Healthy Habits to Start Now

Investing in your health can benefit you not only physically, but mentally and financially as well. Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn’t need to be complicated.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.

The Advantages of Using a Financial Professional

It’s tempting to manage your own finances, but should you? Financial professionals pack a rich toolkit that can help manage your wealth.

Posted in Bienenestar Financial Insights.